Home » Maria Victoria Henao: Top Facts About Pablo Escobar’s Wife

Maria Victoria Henao: Top Facts About Pablo Escobar’s Wife

by Mike Edward
Maria Victoria Henao and Pablo Escobar

Maria Victoria Henao is Pablo Escobar’s wife, and she was with the drug lord before his eventual death on 2 December 1993. 

The world recognized Pablo Escobar as a cold-hearted drug lord, but to his wife, he was a loving husband and father to her children. 

Maria Victoria was Escobar’s wife till December 1993, when he was shot down by Colombian law enforcement on the rooftop of a Medellin neighbourhood. In this article, we will be talking about all the facts about Pablo Escobar’s wife.

More On Maria Victoria Henao

Maria Victoria Henao is mostly renowned for being Pablo Escobar’s wife. She was his first wife.

His initial spouse was María Victoria Henao, born in 1961 in Colombia, specifically in the small village of Palmira Valle Del Cauca. María Victoria was the daughter of Carlos Henao Vallejo and Leonor Zuleta. 

Growing up, she shared her childhood with two siblings: a brother named Carlos Mario Henao Vallejo, who collaborated with Pablo, and a sister named Pastora Henao Bayen. 

It’s recounted that during her youth, Victoria took pleasure in dancing. Below are the facts to know about her.

Her Father, Carlos Henao Vallejo, Was Against Her Marriage To Pablo EscobarMaria Victoria Henao

Maria Victoria Henao met Pablo Escobar at the age of 13. She was introduced by her brother, who worked for Escobar’s Medellin cartel. 

Pablo showered Maria with gifts, attention, and music, and she quickly fell for his charm. Despite her father’s disapproval, Maria married Pablo when she was 16 and gave birth to their first child a year later. 

However, Pablo soon showed his true colours, exhibiting dissolute behaviour and heavy drug use. Maria was forced to adjust to their new reality, which was far from the fairytale life she had envisioned.

Life as Pablo Escobar’s wife was a delicate dance between loyalty and fear. Maria loved Pablo deeply, but she also recognized the monster he was becoming. 

She was trapped in a gilded cage, surrounded by luxury and privilege, yet a prisoner in a world of violence and chaos. Maria endured Pablo’s infidelities, his constant threats, and the ever-present fear that their lives were in constant danger.

Maria’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. She was forced to endure unimaginable hardships, but she never lost hope for a better future. 

Her journey is a tale of innocence lost, of blind love and harsh reality, and ultimately, of a woman’s unwavering love and strength in the face of unimaginable adversity.

She Had No Idea Her Husband Was A Drug Dealer

Maria vehemently maintains her ignorance of her husband’s illicit activities, a stance supported by various written and recorded statements she has provided. In her book, she asserts her prolonged unawareness even as Pablo expanded his cocaine empire.

The revelation supposedly occurred when Pablo was arrested, and Maria discovered a suitcase in their bedroom, overflowing with cash and cocaine.

Bewildered, she retreated to a quiet hotel to contemplate her next steps.

Debates persist about Maria’s honesty—was she naive or knowingly part of a criminal enterprise? Some argue she was unaware, while others claim she was enticed by the opulent lifestyle. 

Regardless, as time passed, Maria could no longer ignore her husband’s violent pursuits. In the later years, when visiting Pablo, they were blindfolded and escorted by cartel members, living in constant fear amid the dangerous circumstances leading to Pablo’s eventual demise.

Trouble Still Haunts Her

Following Pablo’s death, Maria Escobar and her family entered a period of hiding, during which she assumed the identity of María Isabel Santos Caballero. 

For years, their whereabouts remained unknown until, in 1999, an anonymous tip led the police to discover their residence in Argentina.

Arrested on charges of theft and money laundering, a 15-month investigation ultimately found insufficient evidence to substantiate the claims. 

Maria, however, revealed the harsh conditions of Colombian prisons during her confession.

After enduring four years of incarceration, Maria was released in 2005. Subsequently, she established a home in Buenos Aires. 

In 2018, Maria and her son faced arrest again, accused, alongside former Colombian soccer player Mauricio Serna, of acting as intermediaries for Colombian drug trafficker José Piedrahita to launder money through real estate and a tango-themed cafe.

Is Maria Victoria Henao Still Alive?

While rumours were spreading about her death some years back, Maria Victoria Henao is still very much alive.

Unlike her husband who died on 2 December 1993 in Colombia, Maria is still alive.

Maria Victoria Henao FAQs

What happened to Pablo Escobar’s wife?

She was arrested twice in 2005 and 2018 for money laundering.

Is Pablo Escobar’s wife still alive?

Pablo Escobar’s wife is still alive and well.

Who killed Pablo Escobar wife? 

No one. Pablo Escobar’s wife is still alive.

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